Friday 18 December 2009

End od Phase 1: Reflection on PGC

so finally, I've got a head started on my Superhero thingy and after 3 months panic and struggle I got over my PGC, for now...

very unlike others who share the moments of "time flies" "it feels like just yersterday..."feelings, I got none...

Frankly speaking, this project means so much to me that I don't view it as just an one year MA thing. Instead, it is more like a start of my career to contribute back to my country (no jokking, I'm being serious...but ok go on laughing)

Anyway, for the past 3 months I have acquired definitely a lot of useful tips in contributing to the development of the superhero character. Gotta thank Simon, my tutor a lot. One of his idea was to create evolution process for the superhero, meaning that thru the plots go on the character will evolve to gain different powers, which is indeed very inspiring and I've intended to include it in my storyline of the final animation piece.

Most importantly, after 3 months' self-brainstorming, I have narrowed down the image of my character to become more precisely. As I was inspired by my fellow feminist classmates, I've decided to make the superhero a "she!"

However, a strong one tho, so what's this superwoman gonna be like with the ability to evolve her strength?...we'll find out soon

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